007 Traditional R.E.Agent - Taxi Driver or Limousine Service

  • 11 years ago
What Makes Me Different From the Traditional Real Estate Agent
Hi I’m Donna Bishop with Jones & Co Realty in Cape Coral/Ft Myers,Florida
When you think of a traditional agent imagine a Taxi Driver.
Its a unique experience. Experience tells me, when you decide to go for a taxi ride, the taxi takes you the way they want to take you, then you get out of the cab and you pay. Then the cab takes off and you never see the cab driver again.
50% of all Realtors spend 80 – 90% of their time looking for a new client.
My business is more like a Limousine Service. I spend 80 – 90% of my time focusing on making your goals come true. I invest my time consulting, negotiating and overseeing your transactional details, so everything runs smooth. I am available to you 24 / 7 to answer your questions and concerns. My focus is on you, my client and my commitment to your satisfaction.
As a result of operating my business more like a Limo Service and not a Taxi cab, people gladly introduce me to their family, friends and neighbors. Because you receive quality experience this is why you will recommend my help to people you care about most.
After all, a referral is sending someone you care about to someone you respect. It’s a great way to live and better way to run a business, by referral.

Want to ride in my limo ?

Contact me; donnabishoprealtor@gmail.com or visit my web site; www.SWFLoridaBroker.com or www.DonnaBishopTrends.com
Or check out my short sale blog: http://www.CapeCoralShortSales.info
“Share a Smile” Smiling is good for the heart, laughing is good for the soul, loving will keep you living, laughing & smiling.
Bye Now.
