Top U.N. official criticises supply of weapons to Syria

  • 11 years ago
An air strike hits Qusair as part of a reported onslaught by government forces on the rebel-held Syrian border town.

This video was uploaded to a social media website and cannot be independently verified by Reuters.

Amid an escalation in fighting the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva held an urgent debate on the Syrian conflict.

The session also came after the European Union allowed an embargo on Syria to expire and Russia said it would sell advanced missiles to Damascus.

Navi Pillay, the U.N.'s human rights chief made this appeal to delegates.


"The solution must be political, it will not be military. Outside forces including some states are reported to be actively fueling the conflict by providing weapons and ammunition to one side or the other. This emboldens the belligerents."

While the U.N.'s High Commissioner for Human Rights was calling for restraint, Russia cr