Amit Khare

About Channel Mission Motivation created by Author, Mentor, Motivational Speaker, NLP Practitioner, Life & Transformational Coach. Amit Khare

Having a mission to motivate and mentor people of all Masses and Classes by empowering them how to Think-Wise. Running a signature Program “Think-O-Wise”

Amit has developed concept of 5 Magical Words “SHARE” – and believes the true success of a Winner lies in “SHARE”. ( Sacrifice | Happiness | Assist | Relationships | Empathy ) and believes in Think from Mind and Work from Heart. | Do your Best, Leave the Rest. | Sacrifice, you will be paid back the Price. | Start from You and Inspire others to Do. | Help & Assist People around you, all will be there to support You. |

Amit is a Chartered Accountant by Profession, a Philosopher by Thoughts and a Poet by Feelings. Having a resourceful attitude towards life and had worked in various positions in India and Abroad. He is a Wise Thinker and Believer and coming from a rich cultural background.