Real Tube

"Real Tube" we have created this channel to upload Authentic lectures of Salafi Ulemas world-wide. There are many channels which are
uploading Islamic Lectures but all are not authentic,due to this some people(who really want to teach Deen but they don’t have
enough time) are facing problem that which ulemas of which lecture is authentic and where it is available and other side all lectures of Salafi Ulemas are also not available on a single channel or website, so we have decided to collect all authentic and unique
lectures (which are highly interested and very essential ),on this channel, so that people can easily browse authentic lslamic materials
without any doubt or misconception .for this we have create separate Playlists for All types of Lectures And other Materials, Such
as English/Urdu lectures Hamd,Nat,Quran recitation,Khutba,Duas and Hadith.
if you want to Contribute or Share new lectures with us, then please comment.