
Living with psoriasis can be a painful and difficult journey – both physically and emotionally. Though Psoriasis Support Canada can’t be there every single step of the way, we would like to provide Canadian psoriasis sufferers with the tools and resources to make that journey a little easier.

Psoriasis Support Canada began in response to an ever-growing need for support resources for people living with psoriasis in Canada and following considerable research into the most effective patient-driven psoriasis organizations. Psoriasis Support Canada has been able to draw upon the advice, information and effectiveness of other support programs in order to create a Canadian-based, psoriasis support vehicle.

Psoriasis Support Canada is a national, non-commercial and fully bilingual, community of psoriasis sufferers, their families, friends and employers. Psoriasis Support Canada connects people with psoriasis or an interest in this disease to health and lifestyle resources, healthcare professionals and services. The program provides practical tips and information to help them to better understand, manage and treat their condition.