MarcoPolis Country Reports

MarcoPolis is a press and communication agency headquartered in Paris.

We are specialized in producing economic and upscale tourism country reports.

After 13 years of experience producing written country reports for the international press, we were happy to launch in 2007 a totally new concept available on internet on:

Indeed, for the first time, a website entirely dedicated to a country, was created and nurtured with the full interviews of the major economical personalities of the country.

The great innovation comes from the fact that until now, standard country reports were published in news, magazines once. With this new concept, the dedicated e-report will always be visited.

Moreover, on a printed format, standard country profiles are limited to 4 to 16 pages, rarely more. From now on, editorial content is almost infinite; instead of just quoting few sentences, our editorial team is able to insert whole interviews and include additional information about the interviewed institutions.

Our e-reports are nurtured not only with sector analyses, videos or a great variety of articles, but also with interviews of governmental personalities and different leaders in all the sectors of the economy, enabling them to express their views, erase stereotypes and present their country's true potential.

So far, MarcoPolis new concept has been applied to Libya (2013), Kurdistan (North of Iraq) (2012-3), Brazil (2012-3), Kuwait (2010/2012), Lebanon (2010/2012), Bahrain (2009/2011/2013), Jordan (2010), Morocco (2011) and UAE (2008).

Our team of journalists have interviewed more 20 Presidents and Prime Ministers such as Hugo Chavez, Rafic Hariri, Nelson Mandela, Jacques Chirac and more than 150 ministers and 1000 CEO's of top companies' in countries such as: Lebanon, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, Turkey, Vietnam, Croatia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela, Panama, Colombia, Angola, Botswana, Rwanda, Djibouti and Ghana.