The Mapogos - Lions of Sabi Sand

Follow six Mapogo lions and their domination of the Sabi Sand landscape. "Brothers in Blood - The Lions of Sabi Sand" tells the incredible journey of Africa’s most notorious pride - a deadly group of six male lions.
Over the past 16 years, the lions have been filmed by professionals and amateurs who have witnessed the five brothers and one half-brother stand together in the brutal wilds of South Africa.
Rangers and biologists were astounded by the pride’s relentless hunger for domination, as they showed no fear in massacring other lions - and their cubs - in order to expand their territory. Over just one year, the six lions killed over a hundred lions, and conquered an incredible amount of land.
Their story is one of shocking violence, deception, and thirst for power - and reveals a surprisingly sophisticated side to the politics of lion behaviour.
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