Alejandro Guiterrez

We invite you get to know us and the people behind our organisation. But above all we want to use our Dunas Daily Motion Channel to get in contact with YOU out there!

We also have our account in Facebook:



Dunas Hotels & Resorts is the hotel division of the Dunas Group in the Canary Islands. The Groups hotel business targeting the medium-high-income European vacation tourist segment involves quality three and four-star hotels, apartment hotels, bungalows, and villas, all distributed within Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura. At present, the Group owns 11 hotels with a total number of 2.024 rooms.

In order to familiarize you with our products and services, we oponed this You Tube channel, hoping that you will enjoy watching our videos, which are not thought be professional but rather try to bring across authentic vacacional experiences. We are different than other Hotels! Because mainly of two essential
traits: On the one hand, a privileged location in the best tourist areas, with unequalled architectural structures in wide landscaped spaces by the sea or very close to it. On the other, a client service and satisfaction philosophy to ensure rest and tranquillity, also including the possibility of providing entertainment and fun to the whole family, as well as original culinary services.
País: España

Sitio web:
@hotels_dunas_canaryisland aún no ha creado ninguna lista de reproducción