Avon Angling UK

I'm Nic and this channel is a video diary of my sessions fishing the Warwickshire Avon which runs on my doorstep near Stratford-upon-Avon. Every session is filmed. You will see it all. Videos will be posted within a few days of filming.

I have no aspirations of fame or sponsorship nor am I interested in pursuing leviathans around the country. That is not what this channel is about. My uploads are merely a video diary of my angling, nothing more, for like minded anglers to watch and hopefully enjoy.

Having a young family my fishing time is limited & therefore most of the videos are filmed on the stretches very near my home which I can walk to in a few mins. Most of my sessions are only 2 or 3 hours duration, usually at dusk which I have found the most productive time.

I have been coarse fishing for 40 years and enjoy targeting the barbel (elusive this season), chub & river carp plus the zander, pike, roach & perch during the colder months.

I hope you enjoy watching the videos.

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