Kamran Sharif

My name is Kamran Sharif I was going through GAD(Generalized Anxiety Disorder) since my childhood but it became worse after starting my business. I spent more then 8years in severe anxiety and severe depression. I used to take many medicines of it but I failed to recover. I lost my business and health. In 2016 I planned to cope up this problem without medicines as I used so many ways to get rid of it but couldn't succeeded. After 3 years of continuous efforts, hardships, pain and my believe in ALLAH almighty, Alhumdolilah I manage to get rid of my imaginary problem. Honestly now I realized that this was my mind's illusions that they trapped me. I used so many techniques,routines to get rid of it and once I get rid of it I started my own YouTube channel (Kamran Sharif) by the aim of helping my other fellow beings who are suffering from same problems. after that I professionally start my career as a life coach, motivational speaker and mind trainer.