

Now I am playing Far Cry 4, AC Rogue. Completed AC Unity, but expect more posts from AC Unity.
Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag, AC Unity, AC Rogue and Watch Dogs Multiplayer and Single player Walkthrough on PS3 and PS4.
AC4 Multiplayer, Assassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed Unity, AC Rogue, Watch Dogs: funny moments, interesting gameplays, multiplayer characters customization, exclusive warrior costumes and champion packs, gameplay tutorials,tips and tricks.I play Assassin's Creed ACB, ACR, AC3 on PS3 and AC4 Multiplayer, Watch Dogs, AC Unity on PS4. My PSN ID is a-l-e-x--68.
New uploads 2-5 times a week!
Have a nice game!