
Hello and welcome to TeamGLAbridged, the hosting channel for "Gurren Lagann: The Abridged Series!
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Starring the Voice Talents of:

FanOingo93 as Simon
ilikethecoke as Kamina
allycats121 as Yoko, Kinon, & Gimmy [Pre Time-Skip]
keyblademaster333 as Rossiu & Gimmy [Time-Skip]
Tik1115 as Viral
Kuceman as Kittan
FullMetalxAlchemist7 as Kiyoh & Darry
secretsupergirl as Kiyal
Zuyuri as Nia
Bluebomberimo as Leeron and Cytomander
Dusk Golem as the Anti-Spiral
Sarutobi66 as Guame, Dayakka, and LordGenome
IceEnchantress09 as Adiane & Leite