hey everyone at dailymotion me shoe biz name is sUPERED me internet id is sUPEREDsUPERED i am a internet video artist/street performer/film editor/professional weird-0 i am billed as the 10th most strangest person on de internet i am here at daily motion to get people to see "sUPEREDS weekly internet video" there is a new sUPERED video released on de internet every sat. afternoon e.s.t. so stay tuned thats all for now be good--keep it real-- stay healthy have fun at no ones expense love each other and help those in NEED (not want) by love sUPERED IIIII11111IIIIIsUPERED sUPEREDatdailymotion 101913sUPERED
the whirlings with picturEs
9 years ago
the whirlings with picturEs (MOBILEREADY
9 years ago
- united good people oF america 2012
9 years ago
sunshine threw our windOws week 350 (girl ands make me hOrny)
10 years ago
sunshine threw our windOws week 350 (girl ands make me hOrny) (MoBILEREADY)
10 years ago
girl bands make me hOrny
10 years ago
girl bands make me horny (MoBILEREADY)
10 years ago
sunshine threwour windOws week 349 (how to talk and liSten to people)
10 years ago
sunshine threw our windOws week 349 (how to talk and liSten to people)
10 years ago
sunshine threw our windOws week 348 (shake it o offr shoOt it off)
10 years ago
sunshine threw our windOws week 348 (shake it off or shoOt it off) (MoBILREREADY)
10 years ago
shake it off or shoOt it off
10 years ago
shake it off or shoOt it off MoBILEREADY)
10 years ago
sunshine threw our windOws week 347 (sUPEREDS hallOween video 2014)
10 years ago
sunshine threw our windOws week 347 (sUPEREDS hallOween video 2014) (MoBILEREADY)
10 years ago
sUPEREDS hallOween video 2014
10 years ago
sUPEREDS hallOween video 2014(MoBILEREADY)
10 years ago
346 sunshine threw our windows oct 19 2014 (sUPERED a wanted man(part 26)
10 years ago
sUPERED a wanted man (part 26) (MoBILEREADY)
10 years ago
sunshine threw our windows week 346 (sUPERED a wanted man(part 26)
10 years ago
sUPERED a wanted man (part 26)
10 years ago
sunshine threw our windOws week 345 (sUPEREDS stupid brOther 2014)
10 years ago
sunshine threw our windOws week 345 (sUPEREDS stupid brOther 2014)(MoBILEREADY)
10 years ago
sUPEREDS stupid brOther 2014
10 years ago
sUPEREDS stupid brOther 2014 (MoBILEREADY)
10 years ago
sunshine threw our windOws week 344 (sUPEREDS snAp judgement video)
10 years ago
sUPEREDS snAp judgement video (MoBILEREADY)
10 years ago
sUPEREDS snAp judgement video
10 years ago
sUPEREDS snAp judgement video (MoBILEREADY)
10 years ago
sunshine threw our windOws week 343 (sUPEREDS scAry fringe video)
10 years ago