Kyle Piccolo

Kyle Piccolo

Problems with women? Frustrated at work? Suspect you have a mutant power?

Just head down to your local comic book shop and have a chat with the man behind the counter - Kyle Piccolo, the always sardonic, sometimes empathetic, and not quite all-knowing Comic Shop Therapist. Kyle possesses the uncanny ability to find the answer to your problem in the pages of a comic book and you can bet he’ll do it in a smart, entertaining and, more often than not, hilarious way.
With each week comes a new problem and - thanks to Kyle and a comic shop product - a new solution, which Kyle will deliver with style, grace, and maybe even a wink and a smile. Delivering his message on a weekly basis will build a strong relationship with the audience and help cement publishers’ presence in the world of online video. And who better to become the next best friend of comic book fans everywhere than Kyle Piccolo, the wisest comic book store clerk to ever enlighten readers to the brilliance of the books.
16 years ago
16 years ago
16 years ago
17 years ago
17 years ago
17 years ago
17 years ago
17 years ago
17 years ago
17 years ago