Peppe Holmsten

You know that feeling when: you’re in another country, you don’t speak the language and you wonder where you should go or what to see? Well guess what? Now you have something in the palm of your hand, beamed straight from a satellite onto your iPhone 5 (or less important smartphone).
What’s Up!? with Jan Jansson, is the latest from Jan Jansson, Swedish elitist, cultural auteur of all things misconstrued, and swanky host that brings you the little tid bits about his travels through out the world (STHLM NYC LA & Miami). Through Jan’s exploration we don’t necessarily get the complete picture of what he’s showing us, but it sure makes us interested in how he got his own travel show. Jan Jansson; ambassador of hipness, is the best personification of good old fashioned celebrity, that has been exported from the United States and that Jan is now trying to import back in.