
I am a seeker of the truth, always have been. Ever since I can remember, I have known that there is more to our reality than meets the eye and something is very wrong with society as a whole.

I also knew that humans are basically good, so why are we led into war after war, killing our own kind? Why do we not care for our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate than we?

The answer is that we have been manipulated for a very, very long time by several species that are more advanced than we are technologically. I have studied this for many years before I uploaded my first video.

It has been easy to manipulate us because we have been taught to see people that think outside of the box as crazy and/or foolish. No one wants to be laughed at for thinking for themselves. Humans want to be accepted by their peers, not ridiculed and this part of human nature has been used against us.

We are brain washed as children to believe the things we are told by our so called leaders and authority figures, to go along with their never ending wars on our own kind in other countries( and soon to be our own country.) The brainwashing continues as we grow and mature into adults via television and other main stream media.

They also add chemicals to our food, water and the air that we breathe. We are constantly under attack via sound frequencies that affect our well being. Most people are unaware of this on going attack, but it is real. At the same time, most people are aware that something is very, very wrong in our world.

The constant attacks on us, keep most unable to think clearly, for that is one of the things they fear the most. Controlling the people is difficult enough as it is without us actually being able to think critically, speak our true minds and take the appropriate actions needed to create a better world in which to live.