David Amsallem

HeyBubble provides customer service tools and widgets for websites. Allowing for a painless customer service option that cuts communication between company and customer down to a matter of minutes. Live Chat allows for users to chat right away with companies, and takes the hassle of phone wait times out of the equation.

With HeyBubble you can track your visitors in real time and engage them to chat, providing excellent customer service, allowing customers to ask questions, and voice concerns before making a purchase on your website.
HeyBubble offers a beautiful non-intrusive chat that is embedded in the bottom corner of your companies webpage, that creates a portal to allow communication between your customer and yourself.
HeyBubble has many great features to help you reach your customers such as real time information, statistics, chat transcripts, and more all in one web based application.

HeyBubble is helping to revolutionize the online customer service experience.