
I will admit that I have had to muster up some courage to tell you the truth about healthcare in the modern world. This is because I have come to the conclusion that not only is there a substantial problem with mainstream medicine, but also with most of alternative medicine as well. It is so ingrained that either a supplement or a drug is supposed to cure a specific health issue that the tremendous power of starting from the level of creating holistic changes as a healthcare option is not currently available for the most part from any source in the modern world. In other words, most of what is offered in the alternative healthcare arena is nothing more than duplicating mainstream allopathic principles but with alternative remedies and treatments. Please take the time to carefully consider whether or not you have been receiving the health benefits you expect in life in terms of the holistic foundation. Consider whether you or not you have been pulled into an allopathically based system of healthcare that dominates all of mainstream medicine and most of alternative medicine.

The bottom line is: 1) drugs and many allopathic medical methods are toxic and dangerous (mainstream studies have proven that medical mistakes are the eighth leading cause of death in the USA); 2) health food stores and alternative healthcare professionals emphasize taking too many supplements that overload the immune system and body as a whole; 3) both mainstream and alternative healthcare are missing the essential components of what has been known in ancient cultures for thousands of years that involve the holistic foundation of tapping into the innate intelligence of each cell to bring about over all health of body, mind and emotions.