Erik Roner

Erik Roner has been a professional skier and avid BASE jumper for the past 6 years. He's been published in over 30 different magazines world-wide, starred in over 10 major ski films, participated in numerous TV shows on Discovery, National Geographic, NBC, Showtime, FUEL TV and others. Each winter he travels the world and films a progressive big mountain ski segment with Teton Gravity Research.

Erik started skydiving and BASE-jumping in 2000 and quickly developed a passion for BASE-jumping. He has helped pioneer ski BASE-jumping, skiing numerous first descents all over the globe. Ski BASE-jumping is where you ski down a line that ends or closes out in a 200ft-2000ft cliff. The line is only skiable if you ski off the cliff and deploy a parachute.

He has recently joined Travis Pastrana for the hit MTV show “Nitro Circus” which airs at 10 pm on Sunday nights. The crew travels around trying the most unthinkable stunts. Make sure to check out the show!