
WELCOME to those who Love Yeshua our Beloved Bridegroom.The Bride is the Church of the first born seen in John's vision on the Heavenly Mt. Zion. They are the Sons and Daughters of God. We are being prepared to be presented to Christ as a Bride without spot or wrinkle at His coming.This is the sanctification process of being healed and restored in soul and learning to walk alone with the Lord in this world. "Who is this coming up out of the wilderness, leaning on the beloved". The Holy Spirit has been sifting, testing and purifying us with His fire... bringing us into maturity as the "Wise Virgins" Now we have to be faithfully watching and waiting for Yeshua and our ascension into the Glory of His Spiritual Body, the New Jerusalem that is above and is free. "I sought him whom my soul loveth so" Woman in the Song of Songs... the Shir HaShirim. The Lord showed me many years ago that I would go through the symbolism of Miriam dancing with her timbrel, then Esther being prepared out of sight with Myrhh and Aloes, then coming forth as the Shulamite woman in the last days.She married her Shepherd King as we have taken that Marriage Cup of the New Wine from Yeshua / Jesus Christ. We are called to worship the Heavenly Father in Spirit and in truth as a Holy Nation through the Promise of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Only the Bride knows how to sing that Song of Love. Rev.14 So rise up, put on your beautiful garments and enter into His Temple, the Holy of Holies... singing upon the harps of angels, the New Song of Love and Grace... which arises like a holy incense from the Golden Alter of your hearts. We are living in a very prophetic time and are already raised and seated with our Beloved King in the Heavenly set your affection on things above! "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for your love is better than wine."Expect a greater Vision and Revelation of Yeshua as the great "I AM ALPHA & OMEGA"... as He opens the Sacred Scrolls. Blessings from Susan