Yukina Cho

Just like YouTube, I've decided to answer some E-mailed and Commented FAQ here.

1. No, I do not work for Saiyuki or any companies affiliated with them. I'm just a fan of the show, and enjoy promoting them with any chance I get. Thank-you for thinking I'd be good enough to even bring them coffee let alone design commercials.

2. I use Vegas Movie Studio by Sony to make all of my videos. I absolutely love the program.

3. No, I do not make AMV's or anything like them for a living. I wish.

4. I don't care if people steal my work and claim it as their own. As far as I'm concerned, if I'm cool enough to be stolen and plagiarized then I probably shouldn't complain about it. My work is simply out of the love of anime(primarily saiyuki), music and design. I don't do it to be famous, gain friends, make money or start a court battle with people who want to be as 'cool' as they think I am. So, a special note to those who illegally download my work and splash it around: I'm flattered, really, that you would choose to steal my work, and I also feel a great sorrow for you that you can't create things on your own. Sucks to be you.

And for those of you who find anyone stealing my work, what you choose to do to them is your own doing...but I would SOOOOO love it if you told me about it. A good spamming is always fun.

5. Yes I'm easy to be friends with, and accept all invitations. I try to post back to everyone that writes me a comment to thank them for the time they spent not only watching my work, but commenting on it, just as I try to e-mail everyone back that e-mails me. Yeah...I know, I'm a good person...creepy fangirl person...but good nonetheless...unless it's D&D then I'm Chaotic Neutral.

That pretty much sums me up. The only other thing I could tell you about me is that I have wonderful friends, amazing co-workers, and a wonderful Mother, and darling little sisters I simply adore more then anything, who make my chaotic life worth living.

@yukinacho hasn’t created any playlists yet