Hand-Crank Green Espresso Machine Attracting Media Buzz

  • 11 years ago
Check out this hand-crank, green espresso machine.

Any devices requiring “hand cranking” are associated with old-fashioned gadgets. Well an innovative item on kickstarter.com allows people to make espresso while on the go or in the garden.

No batteries, plugs or gas cartridges required. Named, ‘The Nomad’ it just needs hot water, coffee and human fingers to operate the hand lever on the machine. Going solely by appearances, the tiny machine looks like a blast from the past.

The body is a vintage green color, but reportedly makes the highest quality espresso. As additional benefits, the gadget is clean and eco-friendly.

Inspired by classic hand operated machines, The Nomad was simplified and reduced in size, measuring a 15 cm cube and weighing only 1.1 kilograms. The lever allows the device to produce 9 bars of pressure and also gives the owner control over water pressure, flow and temperature.

Equipped with a True Crema Valve, coarse coffee grounds don’t require a grinder.

How do you like it? Can you see yourself using it?
