Vic Tiffany Agency Zero Complaints
  • 12 years ago
VIC TIFFANY IS A WONDERFUL REPRESENTATIVE FOR FARMERS!!! Vic Tiffany is a wonderful representative for Farmers. He is extremely businesslike and professional. I am confident in his level of preparation and knowledge. He communicates well, and I appreciate his integrity and openness.

- Mark B.

ALWAYS ADMIRED BY HIS FELLOW STUDENTS...!!! Vic Tiffany has been one of the finest gentlemen to pass through MCC. He was always on time, dressed appropriately, asked intelligent questions, and generally had the highest or one of the highest scores on each exam. He did so well on his exams that he earned entry into Mu Sigma Alpha national honor society. Vic was a willing worker on class activities and always admired by his fellow students. He is a credit to the human race and we are proud that he is an alumnus of our program.

HONESTY!!! Honesty, integrity and caring.