Fisherman caught 305kg bluefin tuna

  • 13 years ago - CRAZY! A monster bluefin tuna worth up to $US80,000 (close to NZ$100,000) in Tokyo was brought ashore at Port Taranaki yesterday. But this tuna will not be gracing the plates of Japan's top restaurants – it is destined for barbecue hot plates this summer. The tuna, weighing in at 305.8 kilograms, was the first catch of its kind for Te Awamutu's Jeremy Walker, who hooked the giant on a game fishing trip off Westport in the South Island.

"I've never caught one before. It's a once-in-a-lifetime fish, I think," he said. Fishing boat skipper David Donald, from Marokopa, said he had seen tuna that size go for as much as US$80,000 at the Tokyo fish markets. "They slice it up real thin and have it as sashimi.

"And the Japanese fishermen, they take everything off the fish. Even the eyeballs. I've seen them scrape down the bones with a teaspoon and then ask if they could finish ours off."
