interview - RUMMELSNUFF in art uber alles

  • 13 years ago
RUMMELSNUFF - Derbe Strommusik
Berlin-based muscle man Roger Baptist is Rummelsnuff, a combination of testosterone-laden body building aesthetics, brute maritime romanticism and comic-book-hero: a strange, yet fascinating icon that spawns a steadily growing fan base and has generated quite some buzz in the press. Two years after releasing his debut album, the captain is on the air again with 15 songs of even greater stylistic and instrumental variety than on his first outing. Be it the sad but beautiful shanty “Salzig schmeckt der Wind”, the synthetic rockabilly sound of “Donnerbolzen” or the rough electronic song culture of songs like “Eindruck schinden”, “Pumper” or “Winterlied”, Rummelsnuff is happily ignoring all standard genre boundaries while sporting a thoroughly identifiable and unique sound. Basing his music on a Minimal Electro foundation that he effectively garnishes with all sorts of sonic experiments, a healthy dose of weirdness and his trademark hoarse voice, Rummelsnuff is one of the most unique acts in German-language popular music. The pre-album-release digital single “Freier Fall”, for instance, sounds as if Max Schmeling, Tom Waits, Der Plan and Rammstein have sat together to record a collaborative song. “Sender Karlshorst” will be broadcasting its raw “Strom-Musik” on all frequencies from May 14th!