Tea Music 2_7: January – Reunion 茶韵时光:壹月 · 重逢

  • 4 years ago
January – Reunion
After a long winter, spring begins anew, stretching across the landscape. It skips along with the melody of the piano, bathed in cool moonlight, sprinkled with rain, as it spreads its wings among the rivers. The streams flow energetically beneath the bridges, the sound of oars and flicker of lanterns appear against the backdrop of the setting sun, as the strings and piano together explore what the new spring intends to bring. The curls on the sides of a woman’s head bob lightly as she steps across the slightly mossy cobblestones, the moon’s glow seeming to follow her, as she wanders among the lyrics, sways amidst the music.

Music From Rhymoi Music :The beauty of seasons

壹月 .重逢



