Can Affiliate Marketing make you rich?

  • 5 years ago
Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is?

Hey, today I want to answer the question can affiliate marketing make you rich? It depends on your definition of what rich is.

The problem with affiliate marketing as well as making money online is the majority of people are doing things wrong.

Affiliate marketing is a very easy way to make money if you know what your doing. If you don't know what your doing it's very hard to make money.

This is why I think it gets a bad reputation because some people try it, do the wrong stuff, make no money and think it's a scam.

I'm 100% sure it's not a scam and you can make some good money at it.

Let's look at some realistic numbers. Affiliate marketing is when you post a link and if someone clicks on that link and buys something you get paid.

The problem is most affiliate offers are junk, so you have to be careful on what you promote. If you are going to promote offers you need high ticket items. These high ticket items, make the business way, way easier.

This is where if you sale 1 item you can make $1,000 to $5,000 per sale. These are usually deep in the sales funnel. Up front it's a great idea to have low ticket items to build trust, plus it helps with the momentum. Plus, you start to see some money coming in.

In the middle some residual income products are good. This is where you do the work one time and get paid over and over again.

With these high ticket items you really don't need to sale too many of them, before you are making some good money on the side and eventually it can replace your job income. The math does work out and it's realist to make a full time income with this business.

To me being rich is making enough money to pay the bills, do what I love and not have to punch a timeclock and be someone's slave. Affiliate marketing can do that, some people get there in a short amount of time and some people it can take years being realistic.

It's possible that you can make a few million dollars a year. The guy I learn from does make a few million a year, so that is possible.

If you want to make the big money, which is the millions it's much easier to create the products and have other affiliate sale them.
With this model you have to do volume because you are going to be paying out affiliates most of the money.

If you really want to get rich you could use the money you make from affiliate marketing and invest it and this will get you rich even quicker.

In conclusion affiliate marketing is a wonderful beginner method of making good money online. I like it because I enjoy it and can do it around my current schedule.

I've looking at tons and tons of online business's and I honestly think affiliate marketing is the best model for most people as long as you can deal with negativity online and rejection.

The second best business model is buying domain names and reselling them, th