Blog Vs Article and Can You do Both for Affiliate Marketing?

  • 5 years ago
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Hey, today I'm going to talk about a blog vs article and can you do both for affiliate marketing. I used to have a blog and then Google changed some things and I dropped in the rankings and lost all my traffic.

I'm very hesitant to rely on 1 place for traffic. Just recently Instagram banned my link the good news is I found a work around by using Linktree.

It's overall a good thing to hedge your bets, because the world just changes fast right?

Some people are worried about Google's duplicate content penalty. From what I researched there isn't a penalty for having duplicate content.

Google just isn't sure what to rank 1st. If you spam your article to too many different article directories and point that back to your site, this can't hurt you.

The reason why is because too many people did that early on to get high rankings.

If you are going to spend the energy to write a good piece of content, it doesn't hurt to leverage that work as much as you can.

Especially with Linkedin, Medium and Quora because all those sites have a lot of users already on them.

If you don't post on those sites, you are missing out on that traffic.

A good idea is actually to use both strategies. You could write one large blog post on your website and put a part of it on these other sites and link back to your blog for more information.

Which brings up another question and that is do you even need a website or blog?

All those 3 sites rank in the search engines, plus Google looks at the domain for SEO. If you are just starting out Google is going to be hesitant to rank your site.

If you can rank your content on those 3 sites, plus YouTube why even have a website. I honestly, don't think you do need one.

You could make the case that you own the website and can put up ads. The truth is ads don't pay that much at all. For 1,000 people going to your site, you will make .50 cents to $2 and that is it.

Now, that there is so much competition for your attention, this is a bad game to be in.

You could make the case that you could promote amazon affiliate products. Amazon's program isn't as good as it used to be. Amazon doesn't need any more business, sure the tracking lasts for 24 hours, but only until they purchase 1 thing.

It used to be people would load up their carts, so they would get free shipping, now with Prime people already get free shipping. Plus, you make very small amount of money when someone buys an Amazon Product.

How about email marketing? The truth is you don't even need a website to do email marketing. You could make the case that you own the website and it's more customizable.

Is too many options a good thing? I don't think is. I prefer things simple. I would make the case that if you want to make money online, focus on what is truly important. What is that?

I've been doing affiliate mar