Cashgate Scandal Malawi: Lauma Grand Defile Lingerie

  • 7 years ago
Capital Hill Cashgate Scandal try to always be bold, provocative, inquisitive, accessible and inclusive. We tend to avoid negative protesting, victimising and naming and shaming. We do not target specific individual companies because we believe that the industry’s problems are bigger than any one company’s actions. We do not advocate boycotting simply because we don’t see it as an effective way to achieve systemic change.

Cashgate Scandal Malawi is our whomademyclothes campaign in April, which falls on the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse, which killed 1138 people and injured many more on 24th April 2013. That is the day Fashion Revolution was born. During this week, brands and producers are encouraged to respond with the hashtag imadeyourclothes and to demonstrate transparency in their supply chain.
