
Learn about why it is necessary to check the manufacturer details before buying generic drugs. Find out more interesting facts about the types of medicines available at Pure Tablets and know about how people from all over the world can avail this opportunity.

Generic drugs are prepared with the same active ingredients like prescription drugs. They are also tested by the FDA to ensure the presence of bioequivalent ingredients. Generic Drugs are manufactured by both popular and less popular pharmaceutical companies. The only thing that makes the generic drugs differ is the absence of patent name, yet the manufacturer sticks the strict rules in adding right ingredient.

http://www.puretablets.com is a drug store that sells generic pills for specific health complaints through its online shopping portal such as Generic Xenical for weight loss. One can find medications for mens' health, women's health, hair and skin care, hair loss, weight loss, fertility problems, etc. Pure Tablets sell generic drugs that are produced by branded companies. Generic drugs are sold at much cheaper price at Pure Tablets and people from anywhere in the world can get the drugs through immediate shipment.