Nabeel Idris

(1) We Believe in Allaah, his Names and attributes as they were mentioned in the Book of Allaah and in the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Was-Sallam), without distortion, figurative explanation, nor likening, nor resemblance nor denial.
(2) We love all the companions of the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Was-Sallam) and we hate those who speak against them. Imraan bin Hussain (Radhiallaahu Anhu) said, "Oh people learn the knowledge of the religion from us (i.e. companions) if you do not do so you will certainly be misguided." (al-Kifaayah pg.15)
(3) We love the people of hadeeth (Ahlul-Hadeeth) and all of the Salaf of the Ummah from Ahlus-Sunnah. Imaam Shaatibee said, "The pious predecessors, the companions, the successors and their successors knew the Qur'aan and its sciences and its meaning the best." (al-Muwaafiqaat 2/79)
(4) We despise the knowledge of theological rhetoric and we view it to be from amongst the greatest reasons for the division in ummah.
(5) We only accept the Qur'aan and authentic hadeeth in issues of jurisprudences, explanation of the Qur'aan, seerah and others. Imaam Abdullaah ibn Mubaarak said, "The authentic ahadeeth are sufficient and the weak ahadeeth are not needed." (al-Jaam'e al-Akhlaaq al-Raawee 2/159)
(6) We do not perform takfeer upon any Muslim due to any sin, except Shirk with Allaah, or apostasy or believing something to be lawful which Allaah declared unlawful. Imaam Abu Haneefah said: "We do not make takfeer of the people of the Qiblah [i.e. Muslims] due to a sin, even if it is a major sin up until he considers the sin to be lawful and permissible. (Fiqh-ul-Akbar pg.88, al-Manaaqib 1/77 of Makkee, Sharh Tahreer 3/318)
(7) We should co-operate with the group that traverses the methodology of the Book and The Sunnah in terms calling to Allaah and warning from Shirk and to advise all groups that oppose this.
(8) We do not deem it correct to revolt against the Muslim rulers as long as they are Muslims, nor do we feel revolutions bring about reconciliation, rather they corrupt the community.
(9) We hold that the multiplicity of present day parties is a reason for the division of the Muslim and their weakness. So therefore we set about freeing the minds from the fetters of blind-following and the darkness and sectarianism and party spirit.
(10) We restrict our understanding of the Book of Allaah and of the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Was-Sallam) and to the understanding of the Salaf of the Ummah and from the scholars of Hadeeth, not the blind-followers of the individuals; rather we take the truth from wherever it comes. Imaam Ibn Qayyim said, "The pious predecessors would have great difficulty in handling and were not able to take someone contradicting the texts of the Book and Sunnah with someone’s' opinion." (Mukhtasar as-Sawaa'iq al-Mursalah pg.139)
(11) We believe in cultivating the young generation upon in Islam, purified from all that we have mentioned, giving to them a correct Islamic education from the start, without any influence from the disbelieving western education.
(12) We believe that politics is a part of the Religion, and those who try to separate the Religion from politics are only attempting to destroy the Religion and to spread chaos.
(13) We believe there will be no honour or victory for the Muslims until they return to the Book of Allaah and to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Was-Sallam).
(14) We love the present day Scholars of the Sunnah and hope to benefit from them and regret the passing away of many of them. Imaam Maalik said, "The knowledge of hadeeth is your blood and flesh and you will be asked concerning it on the Day of Judgement, hence look who you are taking it from." (al-Muhaddith al-Faasil pg.416, al-Kifaayah pg.21)
(15) We do not accept a fatwa except from the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Was-Sallam).
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