Petrick Gold

As international magic performer Petrick Gold have performed around the world in places like Osaka, Sapporo and Tokyo, Japan, Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, Germany to London and Blackpool, England. In the United States he have performed in places like Las Vegas, Chicago, New Orleans, Dallas, New York, Los Angeles and extensively through out Canada.
Born in PRAGUE Czechoslovakia, he risked his live to make a daring escape from Communist oppression to live a free life in the United States. With Petrick's carefully planning and creative thinking he safely arrived in Hollywood on October 11th, 1979.
He is internationally acclaimed, award winning magical performer whose dynamic performances has enthralled audiences worldwide. He have performed for royalty, politicians and celebrities along with thousands of public shows.
Audiences of all ages have been captivated by Petrick Gold’s  innovative magical style. He combine magic, comedy, modern wizardry and originality to present a show that is both highly entertaining and memorable. Petrick is the creative genius behind many magical effects that are used by magicians around the world. His skill as an inventor are what keeps the magic of Petrick Gold on the cutting edge of magic.
Petrick Gold can present shows for audiences of 10 to 10,000 in any size venue from an intimate parlor setting to a full-scale arena. Whether it is a public or private show or a corporate event, Petrick Gold can customize his show to fit the needs of the most discriminating person.
Let the magic of Petrick Gold make your next special event EXTRA special.