Gordon Bizar

Entrepreneur, business coach, finance advisor, mentor and educator. I have helped entrepreneurs get into their own business. As a business coach, I have taught entrepreneurs how to start a business, how to buy a business, and expand an existing business. As finance advisor, I have shown entrepreneurs how they can finance a business using leveraged buyout (LBO) techniques. LBO purchases are done by using the assets and cash flow within a business. I have communicated with all of my Bizar Financing members from all over the globe through webinars. I hold informative webinars twice a month where I teach and do Q&A's where my members can get their questions answered. The entrepreneurs who want to start a business, buy a business, expand a business and business owners can also email me or call me anytime and I will respond to them.
Over the past 30 years, I have taught entrepreneurs how to start, buy and build virtually every type of business across 5 continents. My reach was limited by my ability to be in only one place at a time. The good news is that now I take full advantage of today's Internet technology and have been able to reach so many more, through Webinars.
Thomas Edison said: “Vision without execution is hallucination.” I am here to help you execute your vision. Start by viewing my free videos as to how other entrepreneurs managed to obtain their own businesses at http://GettingRichYourWay.com website. After viewing how these entrepreneurs successfully got into a business of their own, decide if you would like to be an entrepreneur to succeed using the LBO methods that I teach.
For all of the entrepreneurs worldwide, don't let your opportunity to become a business owner slip through your fingers. Get the knowledge to becoming a successful entrepreneur by starting today. Make today, your take action day. Everything is available to you at any time that you are avail. Through http://bizarFinancing.com, everything is available to you on any day and at any time.
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