Brian & Felicia White

We are full time work from home Entrepreneurs and have been happily married for 22 years. We have 4 grown boys and 4 grandchildren who are such blessings.

We were both laid off in 2009 within 9 months of each other so we started looking for a better way. We knew we couldn't count on jobs (just over broke) for security anymore. We didn't want to be at the mercy of the corporate world or anyone else for that matter.

We wanted to spend our time working together on a bigger vision. A vision to fight for freedom and help others do the same.

We took our unemployment check and just got started in a home based business. Our first venture was a learning experience but it just didn't resonate with us. We have nothing negative to say about any opportunity we've been involved with which ended up being 3 different companies all of which were great.

We planted our flag with our current company, Empower Network November 2011 and are extremely happy. We are making a difference in the lives of others. We've learned and are learning a tremendous amount of value due to the phenomenal marketing education products in this company as well as the awesome community who are more like family than anything.

We are part of a movement for humanity to help others prosper as we have and are and we want to help...period.

We consider our company not a company at all but more like a leadership factory where we all accept others from all walks of life, bringing out the best in others.

We have an abundance mindset. We don't come a competitive mind but rather a creative mind knowing there's enough abundance for everyone. We don't care what company you're with, if you work at a job, or what you're doing...we know we can help you live your purpose and will lift you up because we believe in you