Robert Downey Jr. launches Iron Man 3 in Beijing

  • 11 years ago
Robert Downey Jr. launched Iron Man 3 for the Chinese audience in Beijing on Saturday. However, when the movie gets released there, it will contain more Chinese related material and will even include a character that won't be featured in the non-Chinese version.

On his way to the press conference, Downey Jr was confident that he wasn't going to have any "Lost in Translation" moments.

SOUNDBITE (English) actor Robert Downey Jr, saying:

"People who know me back in America know that I'm very interested in all things Chinese. I live a fairly Chinese life in America"

Although that obviously doesn't include the language....

SOUNDBITE(Mandarin) Hostess, saying:

"Tie Gemenr" (English translation: "Iron brothers")

SOUNDBITE(English) Actor Robert Downey Jr., saying:

"Tie Gemenr... that's one. How many more words do you have? three?"

SOUNDBITE (English) Hostess, saying:

"So we've heard that you have a doctor that is from China. Is that