A Song for North Korea by Thomas Easaw

  • 11 years ago
A song by the Indian musician, Thomas Easaw.

A Song for North Korea

For over sixty years you have been
Stooping in a condescending pose
Shitting on them continuously
Neck deep now, it's up to their nose
In frustration they make missiles
Tipped with materials fissile
Now they say, they gonna give their all
They are aiming for your balls.

Run, run please run
Run for your life, run for your pride
Even though you talk of interceptors
Don't know if it will work at all
Soaked in dripping shit,
They can afford to take the hit
Run, if you can't run
Stop shitting on them for a while

If ever they use their missiles
Are you sure, it wouldn't hit precise
Even if you think, you think you can
Blast it, before it reaches your land
You can only do it in space
Over another country's face
What about those innocent people
Who'll be killed for your mistake

If ever they nuke you
And you are forced to nuke them too
The world will polarize and refuse
To justify this nuke for nuke use
Rather than react in haste
Let us reach out and let them taste
Kindness, Justice and not the shit
That they have been forced to, till date.
