• 5 years ago
Empire of One peforms 'Better Than' live for BalconyTV Los Angeles
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Some families you're born into. Others seemingly depend on quirks of fate to spontaneously burst into life, fully formed and making one hell of a noise. To look at the members of Empire of One, you can't exactly see the family resemblance. And yet in less than a year of writing, recording and performing music together, this group of experienced and diverse musicians is creating a sound and a live show experience that makes it seem as if they were brothers separated at birth.

Lead singer Wil Seabrook, a veteran of indie and major label deals, has been looking for just this situation since he first picked up a guitar. "Ever since I was sixteen I wanted to be in a band that felt like a family, where you have each other's back, both in terms of the music and the creative process and also in life. With this group of guys I'm spending time with some of my best friends who also happen to be the most talented musicians I know. Every time we step on stage or into the studio I'm excited to hear what these guys are going to do, where we're going to take the conversation. That kind of chemistry doesn't happen very often in life. And the audience picks up on that and is pulled into that conversation. For us it really is about making one new fan at a time and valuing that dialogue as the most important element of our success."


Cindi Avnet: Producer / Talent Booker
Milo Stokes: Cinematographer
Recorded & Mixed By: Karla Barrera
Atara Gottschalk: Co-Producer / Talent Booker
Leah Hobbs: Associate Producer
Lydia Reed: Production Assistant
Carnell Breeding : Photography
Courtney Arwin: Balcony Location

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