Asia Bling Amazing Products - Fabulous Trinkets & Treasures from the Exotic East

  • 11 years ago
Asia Bling Brings You Fashion, Style and Inspiration from Afar. Whether it be original, unique bracelets, earrings, necklaces, silk scarves, men's silk scarves, women's silk scarves, environmentally-friendly shopping bags, beautiful key rings and bag accessories, Asia Bling is the place -

We are fascinated by the range and diversity of Asia’s amazing products and spend much time evaluating, collecting, checking and stocking up with beautiful items from Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, China, Timor, PNG and elsewhere, to give you the opportunity to acquire some amazing handiwork.

We all enjoy a bit of bling, glitter and glam in our lives and we have the unique, many times one-off, designs and styles that you will love. Exotic designs from far away. Imagination and creativity from exotic places.

Asia Bling has beautiful and original village - designed bracelets & necklaces plus much, much more.

Your bags and your key ring are important parts of your fashion aura. Why not ‘dress them up’ with some of Asia Bling’s fabulous accessory trinkets. These are just part of our comprehensive range to help upgrade your special look.

Fashion is all about looking cool and relaxed while you are just being yourself. Asia Bling has are some very colourful, comfy and durable ‘flip flop slippers’ to enhance your personal brand. And, yes, you can mix and match these with other Asia Bling products. And yes, there are pure rubber, non-synthetic.

Beautiful aromas can invoke wonderful emotions of peace, calm, romance and love. Fragrance is inseparable from anyone’s fashion theme. And we have found some especially fine fragrances for your to chose from. Of course, it’s difficult to show aroma on a web page (maybe one day) so you’ll just have to contact us to find out where you experience a sample.

Let your style imagination run riot. Create your own classy, individual brand and look. Match our scarves with Eco Beach & Shopping Bags and Bling, Or with classy Flip Flop Slippers. Impress your partner, friends and family. You will look sensational. Please feel welcome to tell them about Asia Bling.
