Portugal Surf Guide - Apresentação

  • il y a 11 ans
Portugal is now a country in the surfing world and a surfing destination par excellence, with waves for all types of surfing, from beginner to professional level.

It was for this reason that António Pedro de Sá Leal and Francisco Cipriano made the first bilingual guide of the best places to surf in Portugal mainland and islands. Suitable for all surfers, from the most experienced to the initiated, this guide aims to fill an important gap in the structuring of the wave offer in Portugal and especially internationally, to position itself as the first comprehensive inventory of spots that present good conditions for surfing. Simultaneously aims to contribute to an overall view of the surf in the country, promoting simply, direct and effectively, Portugal as a destination for surfing.

Portugal Surf Guide assumes a portable format, editing a bilingual Portuguese / English, ready to take the next surf trip in Portugal.

The book is on bookstores and at www.portugalsurfguide.pt