Prince Harry: I let family down over naked photos

  • 11 years ago
Britain's Prince Harry was returning home on Monday after a 20-week posting with NATO forces at Camp Bastion military base in Afghanistan.

Queen Elizabeth's 28-year-old grandson said he had killed insurgents during his tour in an interview carried out in December, which has only now been released.

SOUNDBITE: Prince Harry, saying (English):

"Take a life to save a life. That's what we sort of revolve around, I suppose. If there's people trying to do bad stuff to our guys, then we'll take them out of the game I suppose."

The Prince was deployed to Afghanistan four months ago, shortly after pictures of him frolicking naked with a nude woman at a Las Vegas hotel were published around the world.

SOUNDBITE: Prince Harry, saying (English):

"I probably let myself down, let my family down, let other people down. But at the end of the day, I was in a private area. There should be a certain amount of privacy that one should expect."

"It was probably a classic example of me being probably too much army and not enough prince. It's a simple case of that."

Repeating his dislike of the press, Harry said he hoped the media would leave the Duchess of Cambridge alone during her pregnancy

SOUNDBITE: Prince Harry, saying (English):

"I think it's very unfair that they are forced to publicise it when they were. But that's just the media for you. I literally am very, very happy for them. But I just only hope that she and him, but mainly Catherine, that she gets the necessary protection."

And what of the young Prince's own personal life?

SOUNDBITE: Prince Harry, saying (English):

"I'm out here doing my job, that's all I can say at the moment."
