Reports of deadly clashes In Kashmir

  • 11 years ago
The disputed region of Kashmir (over image of Kashmir) ---where border tensions are soaring after reports that two Indian soldiers were killed over the weekend.

Syed Akbaruddin, Spokesperson for the India's External Affairs Ministry.

SOUNDBITE: Spokesperson Of The India's External Affairs Ministry, Syed Akbaruddin saying:

"In the early hours of January 06, Pakistani troops in the sector commenced unprovoked firing on Indian troops. The roof of a civilian house in Churunda Village was damaged in Pakistani mortar fire. Indian troops, therefore, undertook control, retaliation and response."

He went on to say that Indian troops did not cross the line of control.

A Pakistani army spokesman said India's allegations were meant to divert attention from clashes two days earlier that killed a Pakistani soldier.

Firing and small skirmishes between the two nuclear armed countries are common along the line of control, despite slowly improving ties in recent years.

India and Pakistan have fought three wars since their independence in 1947, two of them over Kashmir.