More bodies found in Philippines typhoon wreckage

  • 12 years ago
The search goes on in the Philippines for the hundreds of people still missing since Typhoon Bopha struck on Wednesday.

The death toll stands at over 450, and with at least 530 still unaccounted for this number is expected to rise.

On Saturday rescuers were still finding bodies trapped under trees or buried under thick mud.

At evacuation centres food and water are being distributed - but with over 392,000 residents fleeing their homes, supplies are running low.

The international community is contributing to relief efforts, with Australia, Canada, the U.S. and ASEAN donating aid delivered by the Philippine army.

After changing direction and regaining strength, Typhoon Bopha is slowly closing in from the sea to the northern Philippines.

Meteorologists do not expect it to make landfall there but it will affect parts of the northern provinces near the western coastlines in the coming days.
