OW2con'12 Eric Debeau

  • il y a 11 ans
Emerginov, an open PHP PaaS for co-innovation - Eric Debeau, Orange. Abstract : The presentation deals with the description of a simple open platform as a service (Paas) dedicated to open innovation. This platform is based on the smart integration of free software components and promote the massive usage of open technologies (LAMP, Asterisk, OpenSIPS) and open API. It has been deployed in Africa and used to stimulate open innovation in emerging countries. It allows rapid prototyping of “telco-web” micro-services on over the top of traditional operator networks using open APIs (SMS, vocal access). It aims to build a reference library of business applications under free licenses. The project has recently joined OW2 and aims to publish 2 versions of the solution: a standalone version and a Telco grade version. See the main portal http://www.emerginov.org for more details. Keywords: Co-innovation, free software, micro-service, SMS, Voice
