10 Amazing Facts About Our World - Part 6
  • 11 years ago
Learn 10 more amazing facts about our world in this sixth edition video.

Here are 10 amazing facts about our world:

Number 10 – According to a UK study, only 1 out of 10 people wash their hands after using a toilet.

Number 9 - Female pandas have a very small window when they are fertile and can produce babies - just 3 days in a year.

Number 8 - From space, astronauts can watch sunset and sunrise every hour and an half - viewing it 16 times each day.

Number 7 - Our bodies contain nearly 60,000 miles of blood vessels per person.

Number 6 - Without even realizing, most of us accidentally swallow an average of 430 insects a year.

Number 5 - World's deepest swimming pool for diving is the Nemo 33 in Brussels, Belgium with an astounding depth of 108 ft.

Number 4 - The brain cannot feel any pain at all, but is responsible for sending pain signals to other parts of our body.

Number 3 - In ancient Egypt, people used to shave their eyebrows to mourn the death of their pet cats.

Number 2 - Number 2 - A single fungus can grow beneath the ground to a size beyond belief. In Oregon, the Humongous Fungus covers approximately 2,200 acres and could weigh as much as 35,000 tons.

Number 1 - Dogs walked by men are four times more likely to show aggression towards other dogs.