Oil Painting critique sample of online classes or for fun

  • 11 years ago
CLICK WEBSITE TO SUBSCRIBE TO TIPS AND DONT MISS ANY! Artist and Teacher Daniel Edmondson shares Oil Painting Critique and Suggestions, Tips and Hints. Enjoy! This is an online painting critique example where someone has sent in a painting for help. Some good tips for every painter out there. In this video entitled "Oil Painting critique sample of online classes or for fun" teacher artist Daniel Edmondson imparts ways as to how to make the best out of a painting from one of his students. Various tips are given as with regards to composition of a painting, highlights, color values, and a lot more are tackled in this video! This information presented here could very well impart necessary knowledge to you in which you could use in your paintings! If you have time, visit the site contained in this description to know more about oil painting! Start oil painting today!
