Petraeus briefs lawmakers about Benghazi

  • 12 years ago
This is about as close as the public came to seeing David Petraeus since the scandal over his extramarital affair became public a week ago.

The former head of the CIA was on Capitol Hill for closed-door meetings about the Benghazi consulate attack that killed four Americans. It was his first official event since resigning last Thursday.

Lawmakers had this to say about his briefing.

SOUNDBITE: Senator Dianne Feinstein saying:

"The General was both eager and willing to give us his views on this and we didn't want to make it any more difficult because of the situation."

In his opening remarks, Petraeus reportedly told lawmakers that he regretted the circumstances of his resignation. While some have speculated that the investigation that revealed his affair may have also uncovered security breeches, the White House insists that there were no lapses.
