Work, Energy and Power - IIT JEE Mains & Advanced [PLANCESS]

  • 12 years ago - Get the Indepth Understanding of Work, Energy and Power by Nivvedan ( IIT-JEE AIR - 113 ). Prepare for your Boards and New IIT-JEE Pattern-JEE Mains & JEE Advanced/ MH-CET/BITSAT/other Competitve Exams with Plancess.
"Concepts Covered -
Work, Work done by a Variable Force, Kinetic Energy & The
Work Energy Theorem, Potential Energy, Conservative Force, The Concept of
Potential Energy, The Conservation of Mechanical Energy, Power, Motion in a
Vertical Circle"
Note - Please note that this is a sample video of lecture. Quality of the video is compressed due to best view in youtube. Also only Advance level is available for sample viewing.
