Doctors say Pakistani schoolgirl is trying to communicate, write

  • 12 years ago
The Pakistani teenager shot by the Taliban could make a full recovery.

Her physician, Dr. Dave Rosser.

SOUNDBITE: Dr. Dave Rosser saying:

"What I can tell you is that Malala is still showing some signs of infection which is probably related to the bullet track, some infection in the bullet track, which is our key source of concern. Having said that she's doing very well, in fact she's standing with some help for the first time this morning when I went in to see her. She's communicating very freely, she's writing, she has a tracheotomy tube in because her airway was swollen by the passing of the bullet."

The hospital released a new photo of Malala Yousafzai in which she could be seen clutching a stuffed animal. An advocate for girls education, she was shot as she left school in Swat.

Her shooting drew condemnation abroad and at home. She was brought to the UK to be treated by a hospital with experience in advanced trauma care.
