Obama and Romney keep punching after round two

  • 12 years ago
Fresh off their feisty debate rematch, President Barack Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney hit the campaign trail .... hammering home arguments raised Tuesday night.

In a Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, 48 percent of voters gave Obama the victory in the debate over 33 percent of voters who sided with Romney.

On the trail in the crucial swing state of Iowa, Obama kept the heat on -- taking aim at Romney's economic plan.

SOUNDBITE: U.S. President Barack Obama

"You have heard of the New Deal, you have heard of the Square Deal, Mitt Romney is trying to sell you a sketchy deal."

Stumping for votes in Virginia, Romney continued attacks on Obama's record.

SOUNDBITE: Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney

"I just think the American people had expected the President of the United States would be able to describe what he is going to do in the next four years but he can't. He can't even explain what he's done in the last four years."

With just twenty days left before the election - and opinion polls showing the race in a near dead heat - the full impact from Tuesday's debate will not be known for a few days.
