Gitmo hearing continues

  • 12 years ago
A US military judge at the Guantanamo military tribunal set up to prosecute suspects in the 9/11 attacks has ruled that the 5 defendants can stay in their cells during the pre-trial hearing scheduled this week.

The 5 men have been charged with terrorism, conspiracy, and nearly 3,000 counts of murder.

One of the motions to be considered by the judge in this week's hearings include a request by the prosecution to prevent defendants from publicly revealing what happened to them while they were held in CIA prisons.

Defense lawyers argue that the request would allow the prosecution to cover up torture methods.

The U.S. government has acknowledged that defendants were subjected to quote enhanced interrogation techniques - which in some cases included water boarding.

Several motions from both defence and prosecution lawyers are being presented this week ahead of the formal trial which is at least one year away.